IELTS Writing Task 2

IELTS Writing Task 2

Opinion, argument or problem solution essay (250 words), around 40 minutes and ⅔ of the total writing marks 

In IELTS Writing Task 2 you need to write an essay giving your opinion (unlike Writing Task 1) on a question related to one of the given themes. Topics can be based on almost anything but often include something related to current affairs. Examples:

  • The Environment

  • Education

  • Age

  • Health

  • Youth

  • Diet


IELTS writing part 2 layout
IELTS Writing Part 2 layout


1. “Background Statement” = reiterating/paraphrasing the question.

– You should say the question again, but using different words that mean the same thing (synonyms and alternate phrasing).

Example question:

Some people believe that capital punishment should never be used. Others believe that it could be used for the most serious crimes. Discuss both views and give your opinion.”

The opening sentence of your introduction should use synonyms to say the question again in your own words. For example:

It is a commonly held belief that the death penalty is an out dated punishment and not appropriate in modern society. However, there is also an argument that the most despicable crimes should have this most severe of punishments.

2. The “Background Statement” is followed by the “Thesis Statement” which expresses your main ideas for the essay in a general way. 

If the question says one of the following:

  • “to what extent do you agree”
  • “what is your opinion”

You can use something like “I agree that… but…” or “In my opinion… however…” where the second part of your sentence is a counter argument to your first point.

*It DOES NOT MATTER what your opinion is, just how you express it.

If the question asks for just the advantages and disadvantages you should say one of each in your thesis statement. Following this section you should start Body Paragraph 1.

Introduction Video guide  

Body Paragraph 1 

Explain the first point of your thesis statement (JUST the first) using examples and supporting information.

Body Paragraph 2

Explain the second point of your thesis statement (JUST the second) using examples and supporting information.


*Just ONE point per paragraph


2 -3 sentences where you paraphrase your thesis statement.

And thats it. Following this simple structure gives you a solid framework for scoring a great mark on this part of the IELTS test. As a reminder, in total you should spend around 40 minutes planning and writing in Writing Task 2. The essay should be at least 250 words and up to around 300 words. Check out some example IELTS Writing Task 2 questions with the link below!