IELTS Listening Task
The IELTS Listening Task lasts for 40 minutes and consists of 40 questions in total. For paper-based tests once the 30 minutes are up you are given 10 minutes to transfer your answers on to a separate answer sheet. If computer-based you are given 2 minutes to check your answers.

The recording will only be played once.
You will be given 1 minute before each of the 4 sections to read the questions before the recording is played. Make sure you are aware of what you need to listen out for and visualise the likely form the answer will be e.g what possible vocabulary, scenario or structures are linked to the questions.
Be aware of intentionally misleading statements in the audio, be skeptical and keep listening to the whole audio in case you need to update your answer.
Take care with spelling (especially when copying your answers to the answer sheet). Pay attention to whether the answer is singular or plural e.g cat or cats. The wrong form will cost you the mark.
- Section 1- Two speakers and social
- Section 2- One speaker but still social
- Section 3- Three or four speakers and academic
- Section 4- One speaker and academic
Social could be a phone conversation, a restaurant booking or a tour guide explaining something for example. (Easier)
Academic could be a complex discussion or an academic lecture for example. (Harder)
Different Question Types
- Multiple choice
- Map labelling
- Completion of Sentence/Note/Table/Diagram

Get Accustomed to Listening
There will be a range of accents.
Gain us much exposure to spoken English (in various accents) as possible through series and films (e.g Netlfix, Amazon Prime or BBC iPlayer), audiobooks and podcasts (e.g Spotify and Audible), talks such as from TED Talks and music.
Send a message if you need recommendations.

Useful Resources and Practice Tests
- Free online IELTS Listening practice tests | Take IELTS (
- Sample test questions (
- Free IELTS Listening tests – IELTS-up
- Free IELTS Listening Test – 125 Listening Practice Tests (
- Free Online IELTS Listening Test (
- The IELTS Listening Test – YouTube
- IELTS Listening Tips & Essential Information – YouTube
Not specifically IELTS but are good extra listening practice:
Connect with other English learners to chat and learn together on Skype:
Frequently Asked Questions
The Listening section lasts 40 minutes.
There are 4 sections and a total of 40 questions.
Yes absolutely. Even if one letter is wrong you will not get the mark for that question.
Yes, you can. Use it to underline keywords, jot down any notes and write possible answers to the question.
Yes, you will get 1 minute to read the questions before each of the 4 sections and it is recommended you use this time to your advantage. Think about and try to guess the possible answers and you can also underline any keywords on the question sheet.
No, so it is best to complete every question even if you are not certain.
Only once.
You should use a pencil.
Let me know in the comments below if you have any other queries!